Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Megalomaniac Pleasure of Creation

Guy Kawasaki, the original Apple evangelist, wrote a post about a couple of guys making millions from Google Ads by getting eyeballs on their sites. These guys claim they work no more than 2 hours a day. (I guess I need to get my traffic numbers up to get there. Mom! if you read this, please click a Google Ad on the right! :) ).

Glenn Kelman, founder of RedFin, replied with an interesting post explaining why he thinks effort, sweat and pain are the way to succeed with a startup. He also details the "10 ways a startup can feel deeply screwed up without really being that screwed up at all". I loved item 1, the reason is evident if you read my last post :).

And thanks to my friend Yaniv for pointing me to the post.

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