A couple of years back, my good friend Adi loaned me his PS2 along with about 200 games for a couple of months. Needless to say, my productivity dropped to near 0 during that time. He, of course, needed to concentrate on his exams, so he chose to get me addicted instead

Since then, PC games became better, I even have an Xbox 360 - which is definitely spiffier and more modern, but the PS2 still had a warm place in my heart.
A year ago, Sony released a newer version of the PS2 dubbed "Slim". And slim it is - roughly the size of a book, extremely thin and light, available in black or silver, it has a built in network card (a feature you had to pay extra for in the original PS2), a low price (get it new on Amazon for $129 or in other stores, bundled with some games, or much lower on eBay) and best of all - it runs all the thousands of PS2 and PS1 games out there.
I scored an almost-new silver one on eBay for $70. I also scored a bunch of old games as well for as low as $0.01 (shipping was much higher than 3 games put together

So now I'm hooked. Right now I'm trying to get Sam Fisher out of the Georgian Defense Ministry in the good ol' Splinter Cell. I may actually take the system on the road with me, since it's so compact and can easily be connected to any TV (will that make me an extreme geek?).
On a final note, I told my brother about this new addiction and he said "get me one too". I got him a black one ($90 including 3 games and shipment) for his birthday - but don't tell him about it yet...
So, nice to hear such things from you but what about the 360
some onilne game like COD4
Sorry dude. Was on the road for 5 weeks in a row :(
I'm at home this weekend and all of next week and will gladly allow you to kill me in COD4 :)
My son just got one too (yes, I know, we are very much "behind" intechnology).
He liked "God of War" which I bought for him.
What are the 3 "must have" games? If possible, would be nice to have less visible violence. Why don't they have something like "Rayman" for PS?
Welcome to the addicted group :)
God of War is extremely violent - even for adults...
You can look for the "Sonic the hedgehog" series, "Ratchet and Clank" and "Jax and Dexter" (closer to Rayman).
Also try some sports games.
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