Monday, May 2, 2011

Announcement: New Code Blog

I'm glad to announce a new blog: Traveling Tech Guy Code blog.

In this blog I'll describe my new projects, the new technologies and paradigms I'm testing, and post samples, videos and code of my current and past projects.

The 2 main reasons for moving that information to a new blog are:
  1. Some of the info is way too technical for my blog. I really want to go deep into code, and this blog is still more about experiences and opinions
  2. I've gotten to a point where I'm doing way too much at the same time; right now I'm knee deep into v2 of armodello, learning Android development, working on a Netduino project and on a brand new stealth idea I'm hoping to turn into a startup (know a good Biz. Dev./Product Manager? I suck at the business side of things). This blog would allow me to document my projects, keep my key code snippets in one place, and maybe serve as a sort of a portfolio for future jobs.
So, if you're interested in software development, if code and technologies don't scare you, or if you just want to see what am I up to lately, head over to my new blog. Comments appreciated.

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