After searching for a solution on Blogger help and coming up with this article (that contains 10 steps, including changing the blog's layout template, along with some other potentially destructive steps) I found a nice tool called simply Blogger Backup by Greg Duncan.
This open source tool, written in .Net 2.0, utilizes GData - the Google API to access any data exposed by Google - to harvest all the feeds from the blog and save them to distinct files.
Reviewing the code can serve as a good example of using GData in .Net and some other neat pieces of code. The project is hosted on CodePlex - Microsoft's open source project hosting web site - another great site for some .Net code.
One comment: if your blog utilizes FeedBurner to manage the RSS feeds, you won't be able to use the default feed link of your blog. Instead use the following format: blog number/posts/default
(you can find your blog number by viewing the source of the blog and looking for the string

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