For a while now, I've been feeling vibrations in my hip area - the area where my Blackberry holster hangs from my belt. I'd reach down, pull the BB out and find out... that nothing was sent, emailed, SMSed since I last checked the damn device.
This started happening more often. And then it started happening when my BB was on the desk in front of me. That freaked me out.
Ido just sent me a link to this CNN article. Apparently, I'm not alone. They call it "Phantom Vibrations", "ringxiety" or "fauxcellarm". And many other people report it. Including Scott Adams, Dilbert's writer.
I'm not crazy, I'm in good company :)

LOL. Several of us were just talking about these phantom calls last week!
It seems like every second person (with a Blackberry) I talk to, suffers from those symptoms...
This being the US, I'm expecting a lawsuit soon :)
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