Monday, May 26, 2008


After listening to so many people who use it, I decided to join Twitter.

Twitter is a mini-blog site. It allows you to post short 140 character (maximum length of an SMS message) posts - to be shared with a group of your friends, or "followers" as they're called. You can follow anyone around and get his/her thoughts and experiences live into your phone, or IM client (all supported).

As a poster, you are encouraged to answer the question: "What are you doing?" as many times as you'd like. It has become a tremendous success within the tech savvy crowd. People started using it to coordinate group efforts (all your followers get your "twit" at the same time), share their current experience or opinion, or reach large crowds with a key click.

Witness the success of Barack Obama (who's currently "In Las Cruces, NM, honoring the generations of American patriots this Memorial Day at a Veterans Town Hall with Gov. Bill Richardson"), or Robert Scoble - with tens of thousands of followers.

Twitter raised $15M in VC money last week and opened its web API to the public. Many Twitter clients became available, along with widgets, gadgets etc. and I'm sure many would follow.

Since I don't want dozens of SMS mesages, nor would I like to post using SMS I use TwitterBerry - the Twitter Blackberry client - both to post and to follow.

If you look at the lower left corner of my blog, you'll be able to see my last 5 twitter posts. And if you want to follow me in real time, and get my thoughts more frequently, just hit this link, or go to and start following TTGuy.

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